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Oct 26, 2021
4 min read

Example how to analyze DynamoDB item changes with Kinesis and Athena created with CDK

This post is how stream data changes of a DynamoDb table via Kinesis Data Stream and Kinesis Firehose to S3, and analyze the data with Athena. Build with CDK.

This is the same like described [here]({{ site.baseurl }}/aws/2021/08/27/aws_example_ddb_analytics/), but instead of terraform it’s build with CDK.

To bootstrap the project run this command: cdk init app --language typescript Further information are here

All the services are in this file.


2022-09-11: Add prefix for kinesis data firehose S3 destination 2022-08-13: CDK migrated to v2

KMS key

This creates are KMS key with an alias to encrypt the data in the created services.

const kmsKey = new kms.Key(this, 'kmsKey', {
      enableKeyRotation: true,

DynamoDb and Kinesis Data Stream

This is the creation of the DynamoDb with the Kinesis Data Stream.

const stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'Stream', {
      streamName: `${name}-data-stream`,
      encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,
      encryptionKey: kmsKey,
    const table = new dynamodb.Table(this, 'Table', {
      tableName: name,
      partitionKey: { name: 'pk', type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING },
      billingMode: dynamodb.BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST,
      encryption: dynamodb.TableEncryption.CUSTOMER_MANAGED,
      encryptionKey: kmsKey,
      kinesisStream: stream,

That adds to the DynamoDb, a Kinesis Data Stream, and connects it to the DynamoDb.

![kinesis data stream]({{ site.baseurl }}/img/2021-10-26-aws_example_ddb_analytics_cdk/kinesis_data_stream.png)

![kinesis data stream ddb]({{ site.baseurl }}/img/2021-10-26-aws_example_ddb_analytics_cdk/kinesis_data_stream_ddb.png)

Kinesis Data Firehose and S3 Bucket

Kinesis Data Firehose is the connection between the Kinesis Data Stream to the S3 Bucket.

Unfortunately, Firehose stores the JSONs without a linefeed. Therefore it’s a lambda for conversion is necessary.

More about that is described in this post

To have the kinesis firehose data isolated under a “namespace” we use a prefix.

It looks like this.

 const firehoseBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'firehose-s3-bucket', {
      bucketName: `${name}-firehose-s3-bucket`,
      encryptionKey: kmsKey,
const processor = new lambda.NodejsFunction(this, 'lambda-function-processor', {
  functionName: `${name}-firehose-converter`,
  timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(2),
  bundling: {
    sourceMap: true,
const lambdaProcessor = new LambdaFunctionProcessor(processor, {
  retries: 5,
const ddbChangesPrefix = 'ddb-changes';
const s3Destination = new destinations.S3Bucket(firehoseBucket, {
  encryptionKey: kmsKey,
  bufferingInterval: cdk.Duration.seconds(60),
  processor: lambdaProcessor,
  dataOutputPrefix: `${ddbChangesPrefix}/`,
const firehoseDeliveryStream = new firehose.DeliveryStream(this, 'Delivery Stream', {
  deliveryStreamName: `${name}-firehose`,
  sourceStream: stream,
  destinations: [s3Destination],

The delivery of the data to the S3 bucket is buffered. Here are the default values.

![firehose-buffer]({{ site.baseurl }}/img/2021-10-26-aws_example_ddb_analytics_cdk/firehose_buffer.png)

Glue crawler

Athena needs a structured table for the SQL queries. The Glue crawler creates this from the data in the S3 bucket below the configured prefix.

The glue crawler isn’t a L2 construct yet. So it needs a L1 construct. See here more about L1 - L3.

There is already a github issue to create a L2 construct for the glue crawler.

const getSecurityConfiguration = new iam.PolicyDocument({
      statements: [
        new iam.PolicyStatement({
          actions: ['glue:GetSecurityConfiguration'],
          resources: ['*']
  const roleCrawler = new iam.Role(this, 'role crawler', {
    roleName: `${name}-crawler-role`,
    assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(''),
    inlinePolicies: {
      GetSecurityConfiguration: getSecurityConfiguration
  const glueDb = new glue.Database(this, 'glue db', {
    databaseName: `${name}-db`,
  const glueSecurityOptions = new glue.SecurityConfiguration(this, 'glue security options', {
    securityConfigurationName: `${name}-security-options`,
    s3Encryption: {
      mode: glue.S3EncryptionMode.KMS,
  const crawler = new glue.CfnCrawler(this, 'crawler', {
    name: `${name}-crawler`,
    role: roleCrawler.roleArn,
    targets: {
      s3Targets: [
          path: `s3://${firehoseBucket.bucketName}/${ddbChangesPrefix}`,
    databaseName: glueDb.databaseName,
    crawlerSecurityConfiguration: glueSecurityOptions.securityConfigurationName,
  // const glueCrawlerLogArn = `arn:aws:logs:${cdk.Stack.of(this).region}:${cdk.Stack.of(this).account}:log-group:/aws-glue/crawlers:log-stream:${}`
  const glueCrawlerLogArn = `arn:aws:logs:${cdk.Stack.of(this).region}:${cdk.Stack.of(this).account}:log-group:/aws-glue/crawlers*` //:log-stream:${}`
  const glueTableArn = `arn:aws:glue:${cdk.Stack.of(this).region}:${cdk.Stack.of(this).account}:table/${glueDb.databaseName}/*`
  const glueCrawlerArn = `arn:aws:glue:${cdk.Stack.of(this).region}:${cdk.Stack.of(this).account}:crawler/${}`
    new iam.PolicyStatement({
      resources: [
      actions: ['logs:*', 'glue:*', 'kms:*', 'S3:*'],

For test purposes, it’s enough to run the crawler before any analysis. Scheduling is also possible.

![glue-run-crawler]({{ site.baseurl }}/img/2021-10-26-aws_example_ddb_analytics_cdk/glue_run_crawler.png)

That creates this table, which is accessible by Athena.

![glue-table]({{ site.baseurl }}/img/2021-10-26-aws_example_ddb_analytics_cdk/glue_table.png)


For Athena it needs an S3 bucket for the query results and, for better isolation to other projects, a workgroup.

const athenaQueryResults = new s3.Bucket(this, 'query-results', {
      bucketName: `${name}-query-results`,
      encryptionKey: kmsKey,
new athena.CfnWorkGroup(this, 'analytics-athena-workgroup', {
  name: `${name}-workgroup`,
  workGroupConfiguration: {
    resultConfiguration: {
      outputLocation: `s3://${athenaQueryResults.bucketName}`,
      encryptionConfiguration: {
        encryptionOption: 'SSE_KMS',
        kmsKey: kmsKey.keyArn,

How to anylyze the data see also [here]({{ site.baseurl }}/aws/2021/08/27/aws_example_ddb_analytics/)

Cost Alert 💰

⚠️ Don’t forget to destroy after testing. Kinesis Data Streams has costs per hour
